Hey Guys,
so it has been a little while so appologies there =(
we have been super busy getting everyhting here running smoothly and of course having some fun too =)
so today and yesterday we have been in Uruguay..... yesterday in Punta DEl Esta... such a beautiful place, and such a safe feeling after so long in Brazil.......
Rio.... Brazil was just awesome =) we went all over and see all the sights, unfortunatly it was too cloudy to fully see the Jesus Christ thing but we can still say we saw it =)
I never knew that Rio was so BIG on prostitution..... wow!!! girls working everywhere, it was funny!!!
totaly oblivious I walked into a bar on the beach alone... Mark had gone to the tiolet, so I say down at a table and couldnt work out why all these old men were starring at me at talking about me so obviously... huh... then after 5 mins of waiting for Mark I realised what was happening... yes it was a pick up bar, I was soooo embarrased!!!
so know tommorow we leave for Buenos Aires for two days then onto the falklands and Antarctica!!!!
we are soooo much looking forward to the four weeks there... it will be just insane =)
well I do have work to do so chow for now =)
I miss you all so so much!!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL..................
love heapz..... x
Bal here are the long awaited Zulu pix .... xxx