Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wedding- Courtney & Doug

We photographed another awesome wedding on the weekend, the day started with 100kph winds and rain but by the time it came for them to get married it was the most beautiful spring day ever. This wedding was awesome, all the guys were dressed in kilts and Courtney was the ultimate bride... such a pleasure to shoot!

Courtney & Doug, we wish you the most amazing life together!!!

Enjoy this little snippet of your day:)

Monday, October 05, 2009

Paying It Forward..

I've always been into this concept, I read a book a long time ago by Paulo Coelho called The Alchemist, if you haven't read it, then it is time you do! It's a very simple story, but one that touches your soul. So anyway after being home and settled for a couple of years now I thought it was time I started this little part of my life journey, I was sitting there a few months ago and pondering over this every now and again for a couple of weeks trying to figure out a good way for me, in my industry, to 'pay it forward' then one day an email arrived. Isn't it just funny how things work out sometimes eh ;). O.k so there's a link below with the whole story from the local paper, what I find amazing is that so many other businesses are also willing to help out- Fantastic!!. A Massive shout goes out to Belinda for getting out there and doing this for someone! We're looking forward to getting some amazing photos for Ben & Chrissy on their special day... And if there is anybody who reads this and thinks they can help out then let us know and we'll pass your details onto Belinda:)

It's not about us, it's about them...

Thursday, October 01, 2009

New Photos of Ashley & Shay's wedding =)

Such a lovely wedding, here's a couple more for them to share =)