Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Port Lockeroy, Antarctica!

I was on a shoot yesterday and met a Mr Peter Gale, who was in Port Lockeroy in approx 1947!! wow!. for those who don't know Zoe and I spent 5 weeks down in Antarctica in 2007 and spent a bit of that time in Port Lockeroy, so as you can guess Peter and I had an interesting conversation, the best thing was that he was into photography and had a bunch of black and whites from down there that I could check out, the place has changed quite a bit for sure, back then it was English, when we were there it was a Chilean base!. It was awesome to talk to someone about Antarctica who knew what I was talking about, you know how it is, you start gassing on about a place that the other person hasn't been to and they lose interest pretty quickly, or maybe i need to do a 'speaker' course;-), anyway, all good, thanks for the chat Peter, you're a legend and a pure soul!

ps- I've just sent him through around 12 images of Port Lockeroy, cool! :)

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